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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Fungsi Search Pada Google Drive Tidak bisa

Bagi Yang pernah menggunakan Google Drive pertama kali, tetapi saat mencari salah satu file dengan menggunakan " windows search" , tidak ditemukan satu file pun.... padahal kali di cari manual, langsung ketemu....

Bagaimana Caranya ?

Setelah browsing sampai ngantuk, akhirnya ketemu juga ...
linknya ""

Q:Problem with windows search in Google Drive folder
The windows folder search function is not working within my google drive folder. It works in home directories, but not the google drive folder. I have turned on indexing in the folder, and my user account has full read/write/execute access as well. Otherwise, the google drive folder is working fine.

A : Go to the actual folder in its C:\Users\\Google Drive\  (NOT the Google Drive folder listed under 'FAVOURITES' which is a shortcut).
Right click 'Google Drive' > Security tab > Advanced > Click your username (mine showed ) > Click 'Change Permissions' > Check the 'Include inheritable permissions...' box > Click ok.
Search indexing of Google Drive should then begin in the background.

>>> di indonesiakan  :

  1. Cari lokasi riil dari folder google drive, misalnya di folder E:

  2. Klik Kanan >> Google drive properties >> Securities >> Advance

  3. Untuk Win-10, pastikan Inheritance -nya Enable

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